
All about Devices | Digital Devices | Physical Devices | Electrical Devices #Tech

All about Devices | Digital Devices | Physical Devices | Electrical Devices #Tech


Every things we see around is some how a device. Device this term ‘Device‘ sounds as ‘Physics‘ topic or a ‘Computer Device‘ or an ‘Electronics Device‘.

About Device :

device is usually a constructed tool.

Device may also refer to:

  • Device, a colloquial term encompassing desktops, laptops, tablets, smartphones, etc.
  • Device file, an interface of a device driver.
  • Peripheral , any device attached to a computer that expands its functionality.


Refer to the above video to get more clarity. The video is in simple ‘Hindi’ language. Kindly check and support the video.

Their are many types of devices such as mechanical device , electrical devices , computer devices , chemical devices and so on.

Types of Devices :

Types of devices basically defined on a dependance on that condition such as physical condition , electrical conditions , mechanical condition , chemical conditions or etc.


  • Physical Devices

    • Physical devices are devices which depends on physical conditions such as temperature , pressure , humidity or anything else.
    • Examples :

      • Thermometer : Thermometer is a Physical Device which depend on physical condition such as Temperature. If temperature is high mercury present in Thermometer goes up , if Temperature is low mercury present in Thermometer goes down.
        • NOTE : Not a Digital Thermometer. It’s in case of Mercury Thermometer.
      • Barometer : Barometer is also a physical device which depends on physical device such as Air Pressure. If Air pressure is High Barometer reading shows high and if Air Pressure is low Barometer reading shows low.
        • NOTE : Not a Digital Barometer. It’s in case of Mercury Thermometer.


  • Digital Devices / Computer Devices

    • Digital Devices are Devices which depends on Digital terms such as softwares.
    • Examples :

      • Smart Phone : Smart Phone is a Digital Device because it has features which depends on Digital products such as software , apps , codes , commands and inputs.
      • Laptop : Laptop is a Digital Device because it has features which depends on Digital products such as software , apps , codes , commands and inputs.


  • Electrical Devices

    • Digital Devices are Devices which depends on Electrical points such as Electric Voltage , Electric Current , Electric Circuits , Electric Resistance and more like this.
      • Electric Fan : Electric Fan is a device which depends on Electric points such as voltage , current , resistance , and much more. Suppose if Voltage is low Fan will work slow and if voltage is high fan will work at high speed.
      • Electric bulb : Electric bulb is a device which depends on Electric points such as voltage , current , resistance , and much more. Suppose if Voltage is low bulb will glow dim and if voltage is high bulb will glow bright.


  • Mechanical Devices

    • Mechanical devices are devices which depends on Mechanical parts or mechanical Terms such as friction or mechanical parts like pulley , wire and many such like this.
      • Mechanical Lock : Mechanical lock is a device which helps in security of our houses , shops , flats or other things which depends on mechanical parts of lock such as wheels and other mechanical parts.
      • Mechanical Watch / Analog Watch : Mechanical Watch / Analog Watch is a device which helps us to show time and be accurate and punctual in our works which depends on mechanical parts of Mechanical Watch / Analog Watch such as wheels and other mechanical parts.



That’s all for now. Hope you well known about the Devices and will refer the video for more further clarity on this topic.


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