Inheritance in C++

Inheritance in C++

Inheritance in C++


The capability of a class to derive properties and characteristics from another class is called inheritance . Inheritance is one of the most important features of Object-Oriented Programming.

Inheritance is a feature or a process in which, new classes are created from the existing classes. The new class created is called “derived class” or “child class” and the existing class is known as the “base class” or “parent class”. The derived class now is said to be inherited from the base class.




  1. Single Inheritance
  2. Multilevel Inheritance
  3. Multiple Inheritance
  4. Hierarchical Inheritance
  5. Hybrid Inheritance



Topics Covered :


  • inheritance
  • c++ tutorial
  • object-oriented programming
  • oop concepts
  • oops concepts
  • object oriented programming






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