C Programming
C Programming

Program to check a digit inputed is a charactor or alphabet or a special charactor #C

Program to check a digit inputed is a charactor or alphabet or a special charactor #C

C Programming
C Programming

Program to check a digit inputed is a charactor or alphabet or a special charactor #C

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {

    printf("Input a charactor :");

    char ch = getchar();

    int n = (int)ch;

    if ( n>=65 && n<= 90 || n>=97 && n<= 122 )

        printf("Inputed Charactor is an alphabet");

    else if(n>=48 && n<=57)

        printf("Inputed Charactor is digit");


        printf("Inputed Charactor is special charactor");



    return 0;



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