Write a c++ program to check a number is ARMSTRONG or not using the below mentioned class
Write a c++ program to check a number is ARMSTRONG or not using the below mentioned class
// // main.cpp // ArmstrongNumber // // Created by SHIVAM SINGH on 20/07/22. // #include <iostream> using namespace std; class Armstrong { int num; public : void input(int x) ; void checkARMSTRONG ( ); }; void Armstrong :: input(int x) { num = x; } void Armstrong:: checkARMSTRONG() { int x = num , temp , cube = 0; while ( x > 0 ) { temp = x%10; cube = cube + (temp*temp*temp); x = x/10; } if ( cube==num ) { cout<<"Armstrong Number"<<endl; } else { cout<<"Not Armstrong Number"<<endl; } } int main() { Armstrong obj; obj.input(153); obj.checkARMSTRONG(); return 0; }
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