Write a program to input a String and Convert it in UPPER CASE and replace all vovel of String with the charactor followed by vovel. #JAVA
/* QUESTION : Write a program to take input of a String, Convert it in UPPER CASE and replace all vovel of String with the charactor followed by vovel. Example : INPUT STRING : Computer OUTPUT STRING : CPMPVTFR */
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package com.company; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Scanner; public class shivam_program_1 { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in); System.out.println("Input a String : "); String str = sc.nextLine(); System.out.println("Input String is :" + str ); str = str.toUpperCase(); int i,l,temp; l = str.length(); String newstr = ""; char ch; for ( i = 0 ; i < l ; i++ ) { ch = str.charAt(i); if( ch=='A' || ch=='E' || ch=='I' || ch=='O' || ch=='U' ) { temp = (int)ch + 1; ch = (char)temp; } newstr = newstr + ch; } System.out.println("New String : " + newstr); } }
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